Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas Eve in Costa Rica, and I have the esteemed privilege of being in front of a computer. No complaints, though, seriously. I have, admittedly, been somewhat overwhelmed by my need to work out for Outward Bound and get essays done for application, but on the whole this trip has been incredible.

We have done so much already, that it's difficult to remember. We arrived to our hotel outside the of San Jose at night. The enxt morning, I woke up early and went running. As I came down the stairs from my room, wild flowers were blooming in the lobby and I heard classical music coming from the breakfast room. This was no youth hostel! Outside, I ran along the road as it curved through the mountain tops. I ran past dogs, and countless varieties of flowers. Birds chirped and even at 7 AM, the sun was hot.

I can not remember a time when my family has gotten along so well together, and for such an extended period... I feel like the weakest link in terms of grumpiness. Dad's overcome feeling sick and Zach has faces vegetarian challenges at every meal. He has overcome fear of heights on ziplines and tree climbs, and meanwhile I've been whiner - cold on the raft trip,

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

During this last week in paradise, I want to share some words from my students.

Today, as I do once a week, I hiked with the children to an overlook. We do a blindfolded trust walk with the group and lead them to an outlook near the edge of a cliff. (not as dangerous as it sounds!) Then, they all remove their headbands in unison and scream the first word that comes to their mind.

After allowing the children a few minutes to take in the view, I sat down with them to discuss some ecology and to Judaism. (specifically the shema prayer which means "Hear O Israel the L-rd Our G-d, the L-rd is One." Afterward, I had the children sit and listen for several minutes. They sat by themselves and could draw or write about their observations. Many of the children drew pictures or listed the sounds they heard. Others wrote whole poems. I would like to share two of their writings:


I am on the top of the world.
I block out the sounds of the man made vehicles,
and I listen to the nature.
I take a breath and let the sweet refreshing sent into my soul.
I hear birds chirping.
They are joyful, as am I.


The mysterious ocean and ancient life
To the beautiful butterflies
tree and plants
are growing.
Plants are being born
and People are dieing.
Animals are looking for
food and growing up.
The sky will be there always.
From the peace and serenity on a mountain top
To the hustle and bustle of the city.
The world will always be here.
That is the greatest thing.
For it is beautiful, yet mysterious but,
all these holy happenings will be there.
The Earth.
It is the most holy thing.
At Times, I feel like 4 days is a enough to learn so much about the children. We get to know their personalities, their fears, their curiousities, their dispositions and even their eating habits. And yet, reading their poetry, I am reminded of how much more they have to share - how deep their hearts and minds are.
I believe so strongly in the work we are doing here. I will miss this place... I feel as I haven't felt since France - that I have found a place that is home, and that I wish were staying that way.